IAHAIO 2015 Symposium, Copenhagen 28-30 May


Friday 29 May 2015

Workshop 1: Developing standards for education and training to support best practice in AAI

This workshop aims to draw on participants’ knowledge and experience to identify what the acceptable/minimum standards are for education and training in AAI – in terms of quality assurance and also achievability. Outcomes from this workshop will be useful for organisations delivering AAI at local and national levels, as well as for those organisations who provide accreditation.

The key topics for this workshop are:

  1. Having reviewed the summary of workshop discussions in Amsterdam 2014 and the IAHAIO revised White Paper, please can you share any actions/discussions/outcomes relating to the inclusion of animals in AAI within your own projects and programmes
  2. What are the current approaches to standards for education and training in AAI in your country?

  3. How does/should the field of AAI acknowledge or validate skills and knowledge that many people who deliver AAI, have developed through years of experience in the field, rather than through any formal or accredited training programme?

Saturday 30 May 2015

Workshop 2:  Developing a code of practice for animal care, welfare and wellbeing in AAI

This workshop builds on the discussions and recommendations arising from the working groups at the IAHAIO Amsterdam meeting in 2014. In particular, it aims to build a framework for an international code of practice for animal care, welfare and wellbeing in AAI that can be applied and adapted for local settings.

The key topics for this workshop are:

  1. What are the social influences (e.g. legal, cultural, religion) that need to be considered when developing a code of practice for animals in AAI in your setting?
  2. How do we best manage stress in therapy animals?
  3. What are the mechanisms for implementing a code of practice for animals in AAI in your country? One ‘tool’ is the IAHAIO Prague Declaration (1998). This Declaration needs updating, and you are invited to review this Declaration and consider possible revisions.