Position statements
IAHAIO publishes its position statements on important issues in the field of human-animal interactions. They are evidence-based and reviewed by researchers and practitioners with specific expertise in a particular area. Our position statements are intended to outline IAHAIO’s official view and to provide guidance to those working in the field and related disciplines. IAHAIO encourages wide dissemination of the position statements.
IAHAIO has published three position papers, as follows:
IAHAIO’s position statement on zoonoses and AAI
The IAHAIO position statement on zoonoses and AAI promotes safe practice for people and animals involved in AAI, and is based on an evidence-based approach. This position paper outlines important considerations that should be adopted in relation to zoonoses and AAI. Download the paper here.
IAHAIO’s position statement on domestic violence and related animal abuse
IAHAIO’s position statement on domestic violence and related animal abuse, published June 2018, can be downloaded (PDF). This has also been translated into French (PDF).
IAHAIO’s position statement ‘Against the feeding of raw protein of animal origin to animals involved in AAI’
IAHAIO’s position statement ‘Against the feeding of raw protein of animal origin to animals involved in AAI’ outlines the latest published evidence on the many risks of feeding diets of raw protein of animal original to animals involved in AAI and recommends healthy, well-balanced and scientifically tested diets for animals as well as good hygiene practices. Extensive list of references. Published December 2021. Can be downloaded (PDF).