IAHAIO 2022 Conference
Aims of the conference
IAHAIO’s 30th anniversary conference ‘Changing perspectives on the human-animal relationship’ will take place online 3-4 September 2022.
We are delighted to have the support of CEVA and Purina for this conference.
The aims of the conference are to:
- Share current research findings, new methodologies and innovative programmes in HAI and AAI
- Provide a platform to showcase best practice in the field of AAI, in areas such as animal welfare and assessment
- Encourage closer partnership between researchers and practitioners in the field of:
- human-animal relationships, and
- animal-assisted interventions
- To look to the future and reflect on how we can make the field ‘fit for the future’: sustainable, inclusive, effective and safe
- Celebrate 30 years of IAHAIO!
Conference themes
We reflect on how the field has changed over the past 30 years – our understandings, the language and terminologies we use, the importance of both humans and animals in our work, the professionalisation of the field of animal-assisted interventions and how global events have changed perspectives and priorities.
We also look to the future and the changes we may need to make -and are making – to ensure the field is ‘fit for the future’, sustainable, inclusive, effective and safe.
Topics include:
- How our understanding of the human-animal relationship has changed in the past 30 years
- Current research in HAI or AAI – effects of AAI on humans and animals across different populations and with different species
- New methodologies in HAI or AAI research
- Innovative programs in HAI or AAI
- Best practices in AAI
- New perspectives on animal welfare, including assessment, measurement and training of animals in AAI
- Impact of social changes and global trends on human-animal relationships and nature e.g. COVID-19
- Challenges and developments in emerging AAI countries, including cultural considerations
- Pathways to the implementation of One Health One Welfare
- Fit for the future: sustainability, inclusivity, effectiveness and safety in HAI/AAI
Conference format and timetable
The conference will take place online 3-4 September.
The conference will comprise (draft):
- Keynote plenaries
- Oral presentations
- Poster presentations
- Virtual workshops
- Panel discussions/debates
Call for Abstracts
We welcome abstract submissions from researchers and practitioners on any of the themes of the conference outlined above.
There are four categories for submissions:
- Oral presentation (15 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes questions)
- Digital poster presentation (digital poster, plus the option for a short video to accompany it, dedicated poster session during the conference)
- Short video
- Workshop
The closing date for abstract submissions has been extended to 15 June 2022. All abstracts must be uploaded here.
Outcomes will be notified by 10 July 2022.
Conference fee and registration
The early-bird conference fee ended on 15 July 2022 but we have extended this until 1 September. There are discounted rates for IAHAIO members and Students. Everyone registered for the conference will have access to poster and oral presentations (live and pre-recorded) during the 2-day conference and for a period after.
IAHAIO members 150 USD
[All IAHAIO members have been sent a COUPON discount code to enter when registering. Please email director@iahaio.org if you have not received this]
Non-members/general public 195 USD
Students 75 USA
[To register at this rate, please email director@iahaio.org to receive a COUPON discount code]