Aims of the conference
IAHAIO’s 30th anniversary conference ‘Changing perspectives on the human-animal relationship’ will take place online 3-4 September 2022.
We are delighted to have the support of CEVA and Purina for this conference.
The aims of the conference are to:
- Share current research findings, new methodologies and innovative programmes in HAI and AAI
- Provide a platform to showcase best practice in the field of AAI, in areas such as animal welfare and assessment
- Encourage closer partnership between researchers and practitioners in the field of:
- human-animal relationships, and
- animal-assisted interventions
- To look to the future and reflect on how we can make the field ‘fit for the future’: sustainable, inclusive, effective and safe
- Celebrate 30 years of IAHAIO!
Conference themes
We reflect on how the field has changed over the past 30 years – our understandings, the language and terminologies we use, the importance of both humans and animals in our work, the professionalisation of the field of animal-assisted interventions and how global events have changed perspectives and priorities.
We also look to the future and the changes we may need to make -and are making – to ensure the field is ‘fit for the future’, sustainable, inclusive, effective and safe.
Topics include:
- How our understanding of the human-animal relationship has changed in the past 30 years
- Current research in HAI or AAI – effects of AAI on humans and animals across different populations and with different species
- New methodologies in HAI or AAI research
- Innovative programs in HAI or AAI
- Best practices in AAI
- New perspectives on animal welfare, including assessment, measurement and training of animals in AAI
- Impact of social changes and global trends on human-animal relationships and nature e.g. COVID-19
- Challenges and developments in emerging AAI countries, including cultural considerations
- Pathways to the implementation of One Health One Welfare
- Fit for the future: sustainability, inclusivity, effectiveness and safety in HAI/AAI