•Doctor assigned to the Medical Pediatrics service of the General Hospital “Dr. Manuel Gea González “since June 2004.
•Pediatric Private Practice- Neonatal Neurology- Early Multiple Stimulation and Neurofacilitation since December 2008.
•Active binomial CÂSI, A.C. from February 2010 to the present
•Elected President and Coordination of CÂSI, A.C. (Animal Connection of Institutional Service A.C) since April 29, 2013.
•Certification as an Expert and Technician in Canine Assisted Therapy (endorsed by CTAC-Barcelona) 2014.
•Founding President of CENATAC A.C. (Canine Assisted Activities and Therapies Center). CTAC Partner Center Mexico City.
•My interest in IAHAIO is to professionally carry out Assisted Interactions with Dogs in my Country and to be able to generate a greater dissemination of their benefits, as well as general education on the subject and all the benefits of Human-Animal Interaction, maintaining their well-being.